Thursday, March 30, 2006

Supernova podcast: What Makes an Online Community Tick?

Knowledge@Wharton has posted the first Supernova 2006 podcast, What Makes an Online Community Tick?

Knowledge@Wharton is the online business journal of The Wharton School, read by over half a million subscribers worldwide.  The interview is a conversation with Craig Newmark (founder of, Julie Herendeen (VP of Network Products at Yahoo!), and Bill Flitter (CMO of Pheedo). The podcast explores how to facilitate, nurture, and benefit from online communities, which are becoming not just major social forces, but significant drivers of business activity both online and offline.

We will be conducting a series of interviews with Supernova 2006 speakers and other industry leaders on topics related to the Supernova 2006 theme of “Making Connections in a Complex World.” Subscribe to Knowledge@Wharton for links to these interviews and other content, or you can download the podcasts individually from Apple’s iTunes service. 

Posted by Kevin Werbach on 03/30 at 01:31 PM
Media CenterPodcasts • (22) Comments and TrackbacksPermalink

Welcome to the Supernova 2006 weblog!

The Supernova blog is always a key part of the “virtual event” that takes place in parallel with the physical conference.  This year, we’re launching the blog early, almost three months before Supernova take place.  Why?  Because the three days in June when everyone gathers in San Francisco are just one manifestation of the Supernova community.  The topics we address, and the people we bring together, continue to resonate throughout the year. 

In the weeks leading up to Supernova 2006, this blog will serve as a clearinghouse, not just for conference-related information, but also for discussions of relevant developments and themes. I’ll be joined by a team of Wharton MBA students, led by Vlad Cole, who will contribute content to the blog.  Please subscribe to our RSS feed and contribute your comments and trackbacks.  We look forward to a stimulating and multi-facted conversation, leading up to Supernova 2006 itself!

Posted by Kevin Werbach on 03/30 at 01:18 PM
Conference Info • (10) Comments and TrackbacksPermalink

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