"One of the best conferences I've ever attended."
Marc Canter, Founder, Macromedia

Connected Innovators


This year, we are introducing a new integrated marketing program designed to help the creators of emerging technologies reach the industry's top technology and business influencers.

Created in collaboration with Mike Arrington of TechCrunch.com, the Connected Innovators program combines on-site vendor presentations with Mike's expert and much-coveted online product analysis. Through our collective audiences, we'll highlight the latest technology developments that are sure to make an impact on the "connected" future.

Format: We will select 10 companies to conduct "snap-shot" product presentations/demonstrations; each presentation will last no longer than 5 minutes. The presentations should capture the core competency of the technology that is considered to be trend-setting or industry-shifting. Presentation guidelines and formatting instructions will be distributed and discussed with all participants following the selection process.

Product Reviews: Mike Arrington, editor-in-chief of the TechCrunch technology Weblog, will be on-site to review all presentations. He will blog real-time reactions to each presentation as well as more detailed product analysis post-event. All product reviews will be hosted at TechCrunch.com.

Venue: While Supernova is not a traditional tradeshow event, one of its most notable features is the unique networking experience it provides. In keeping with the spirit of the Conference, we will integrate the presentation venue with the Networking Gala on the evening of June 22, at the Palace Hotel. This ensures that all speakers, thought-leaders, VCs, business executives and media will have the opportunity to attend, in an environment primed for thoughtful conversation and discussion.

Application Process: Submissions are no longer being accepted.

Connected Innovators 2006 Schedule



Call for participants January 30, 2006
Deadline for submission forms April 28, 2006
Connected Innovators announced May 19, 2006
Presentations due for pre-loading June 12, 2006
Pre-conference briefings June 12-16, 2006
On-site meetings and presentations; coverage on TechCrunch.com begins June 22, 2006,
Main Supernova Conference
Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA

Additional details on selection criteria, marketing benefits, and program features/pricing are available for interested companies.

About TechCrunch.com: TechCrunch is quickly becoming the online source for candid and thorough product profiles and reviews; it is featured on the Technorati 100, Feedster 500, and CNET Top 100 Blogs lists, and is a member of the Web 2.0 WorkGroup. TechCrunch.com has received recent attention in the Wall Street Journal and The Mercury News for being one of the fastest growing online communities of Silicon Valley technology influencers and investors.

Additional market demographics for TechCrunch.com are available upon request.

Program contact: Jeanne Logozzo; .

Posted by Supernova on 03/28 at 08:29 PM

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