"The right folks, and the right forum, to advance the debate."
Jonathan Schwartz, President, Sun Microsystems

Venue and Reservation Information

The Wharton West Workshops and Technology Showcase will be held June 21st, 2006 at the Wharton West Facility, San Francisco, CA.

101 Howard Street, 5th floor
San Francisco, CA

www.wharton.upenn.edu/ campus/wharton_west

The Supernova Conference will be held June 22 - 23, 2006, at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA.

2 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA

Phone: 415.512.1111

Both the Wharton West Facility and the Palace Hotel are located right off of downtown Market Street, and are a walking distance apart of approximately 7 city blocks.

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is 15 Miles/9.3km from the Palace Hotel.
Airport Shuttle: $13.00
Taxi: $35.00


The Supernova conference room blocks at both The Palace and Le Meridien are now sold-out. We will be happy to add your name to a wait list for these hotels. Please email Kelly Morrissey at with your name, arrival, departure dates.  Rooms will only be made available if a current guest cancels.

Conference attendees are responsible for all accommodation and cancellation fees imposed by the hotel.

Add venues to your address book.

Posted by Kevin Werbach on 03/30 at 08:42 AM

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