Media Center
This page is an aggregation point for the vortex of audio and video content generated around Supernova, as well as media and blog coverage of the conference.
Event Coverage
Here Comes Supernova
By Dan Fost
"Next week brings Supernova to San Francisco again. " Read the story...
From Expo Web
Making an Online Community Click
By Cathy Chatfield-Taylor
"Supernova conferees connect using the latest Web-based tools, extending an elite networking event into the blogosphere where virtually anyone can participate. " Read the story...

Google details Mountain View Wi-Fi service
"The reason it is free is because...we want to get a lot of people on it," Larry Alder of Google said during a panel discussion on wireless projects in cities at the Supernova 2006 conference here.
Video: Netvibes corrals your digital world
At Supernova/Wharton West in San Francisco, CNET's Neha Tiwari interviews Netvibes founder and CEO Tariq Krim. In this June 21, 2006, interview Krim talks about the company's first eight months.
Video: Plaxo has your number
CNET's Neha Tiwari interviewed Ben Golub, President and CEO of Plaxo. They talked about the privacy of members records.
Video: YahooLocal adopts microformats's Andy Baio discusses a better way of browsing

Knowledge@Wharton Interview Series
Podcast: Wharton's Kevin Werbach Speaks with IBM's David Yaun about the Global Innovation Outlook
Podcast: What Makes an Online Community Tick? Ask Craigslist, Yahoo and Pheedo
New Technology: Who's in Charge?
What's the Next Big Thing on the Web? It May Be a Small, Simple Thing -- Microformats
Why Practically Everyone Is in Dogged Pursuit of the Long Tail
Subscribe to Knowledge@Wharton to receive future Supernova interviews.
Blog Coverage
From the Supernova Blog
Thanks for Another Amazing Supernova!
Well, Supernova 2006 is over. (Posts here may continue, though, as our bloggers reflect on… More...
Future of the Desktop
Over lunch, panelists talked about how the metaphors of the desktop will change as the… More...
Blog coverage
We'll be posting links to blog coverage during the conference starting June 21.